It's been ten years since I've been in Cloudbirth. They've been very long years. And I'm not sure it's good to be back.
It was good for Chitin, though. I'll explain him later.
But first: a trip to the baths and the barbers. (Chitin had his beard shaved, probably for the first time in his life. Again, I'll explain him later.) After three weeks of hard travel through melting snow (and an ambush), it was very nice to make myself presentable.
Things went downhill from there, at least for awhile.
Some new clothing was bought for me during my bath, to replace the old - which I wouldn't mind, except that the shirt was white. Immaculately white.
And my coat was replaced. The fastenings are silver buttons instead of knots, and the coat's the heaviest and best velveteen I've ever seen (if it's not real velvet.) It's full and perfect where mine was threadbare and broken in over sixteen seasons, and badly patched where I was injured - but mine was a gift. And I'm not happy to see it gone.
I won't complain about the rest of my outfit. It still squeaks when I move, but the scarves are silk and the boots fit tightly and I'll be able to break my hat in sooner or later; it will serve. But I miss my coat.
Then, to top things off, it happened. They said it: "I remember you being taller." Horror of horrors.
There followed some awkwardness: except for Rael and myself, none of us had proper documentation as citizens. Kara, in particular, needed documentation to establish her freedom.
And then we were swept off for a royal audience.